TSC Settles on confirmation of the First 25,000 JSS teachers After KUPPET Push
The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) is scheduled to confirm the first slot of Junior Secondary School JSS teachers to permanent and pensionable employment in what is seen to be a major move to address the ongoing crisis.
This intern teachers of confirmation, will factor the first group of 25,000 teachers who are on their second term and who have played a crucial role in filling staffing shortages throughout Kenya’s school system.
A total of twenty thousand JSS Senior Interns,plus another 4,000 Primary Senior Interns and also 450 Senior School Interns will be included in the initial round of confirmed positions.
The push for confirmation came from Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET),that organized a strike in support of improved conditions for intern teachers.
KUPPET made the above demands and as a result TSC is responding to them in part with this decision.
KUPPET push for confirmation
After a whole one week-long strike staged by KUPPET, the union still demanded the prompt confirmation of 46,000 intern teachers into permanent and pensionable terms , which has now come home.
The KUPPET union has long maintained that in as much as the intern teachers can assist fill the teacher shortage, still that this approach is unsustainable in the long run .
KUPPET terms the internship hiring as unjust to those who want benefits and job security.
Additionally , KUPPET demanded in its strike irreducible minimum that an extra 20,000 teachers be hired to cover the widening deficiencies in the education sector.
According to KUPPET, additional interns will especially in the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC).

KUPPET Lists a Number of Gains From TSC Since Strike Start
Tsc move to confirm 25,000 teachers by is seen as a positive beginning toward resolving some of these issues.
The intern teachers more especially the senior ones now have a reason to smile following the latest announcement as they now look forward to start getting a fair compensation.