The Teachers Service Commission TSC uses the Career Progression Guidelines (CPG) as a method or guidelines for Promotions of teachers and having them to different grades.
As per to TSC , the guidelines presented under (CPG) are established to make it possible for the it to carry out CBAs.
Current promotion requirements for Teachers from B5 to C1
B5 is the lowest grade assigned among teachers of primary schools.
Grade B5 teachers are commonly known as Primary Teacher II, which is the starting point for all primary school teachers .
According to TSC this job group corresponds to the fifth level of the T-scale and includes every new educator who has recently been hired.
Freshly hired elementary school educator Starts their career at this grade.
Upon completion of 3years , an individual teacher who is currently at the Grade B5 level will be immediately promoted to the Grade C1 level.
Based on the provisions of CPG, promotion of instructors from the B5 level to the C1 level does not require any further education or to go for an interview.
This process is automatic for those who have served for three years in B5 prior to being eligible for the promotion to c1.
Teachers promotion from C1 to C2
The C1 grade is for primary school teachers who are in Grade C1 are in T-Scale 6.
These teachers are also known as Primary Teacher I.
The teachers in grade C1 transition to up to grade C2 is not automatic.
Grade C2 teachers in primary forms part part of Senior Teachers and is referred to as Senior Teacher I.
This grade is an advanced grade for the primary school teachers who are working for promotion.
Under primary , it is considered an entry-level position within the administrative group..
Since the position is competitive, those who wish to be promoted from Grade C1 to Grade C2 must submit an online application once the TSC places an advertisement in this regard.
TSC promotion of teachers from C2 to C3 grade
Under primary school, C2 is for Senior Teacher II and taken as an advancement grade for teachers of elementary school children.
Under primary level, for one to be eligible for appointment to this grade, an individual teacher must first have worked for a minimum of 3 years in the Primary Teacher I position on the T-Scale 6.
Then after these period of atleast three years of service and participation in promotion interviews, the teacher under a Senior Teacher II who is currently in grade C2 has the opportunity to be promoted to Senior Teacher I.These are teachers who are currently in grade C3.
On the other hand, the teachers from primary schools who are assigned to teach at secondary schools start their lessons at Grade C2.
Under secondary schools, Grade C2 position is taken to be promotion grade which is reserved for instructors who hold Diplomas.
For Degree holders ,their first posting in secondary schools place them under C2 . Immediately after three years ,these teachers move to C3 without attending any interview meaning that this happens automatically.