The Civil servants are now the latest slot who have new reasons to smile as they receive a salary increment of between Ksh1,000 and Ksh30,000.
This new increment was implemented following the government’s decision to honour the second phase of the Collective Bargain Agreement (CBA).
Based on a letter that was issued by Public Service Principal Secretary Amos Gathecha, government workers are now set to receive an increment in their house allowances.
Under the new wage structure, civil servants in the lowest cadre will receive a salary increment of Ksh1,000,thus their payslips rise from Ksh16,950 to Ksh18,250 per month.
Based on the circular , the second phase of the new basic salaries and salary scales, that forms appendix I and II to this circular , the money was to be implemented for civil servants in CSG17 to CSG4 with effect from 1st July, 2024.
In addition the Second phase of the reviewed house allowance which form appendix III based on this circular was to be implemented for civil Servants in CSG17 to CSG4 with effect from 1st July, 2024
The above salary increment agreement was implemented for the higher job groups which includes government workers earning Ksh102,860 who are now set to receive a pay rise of Ksh3000 to earn Ksh105,570 per month.
Equally , those who earn Ksh118,790 are set to receive a salary increase that will see them earn Ksh121,500 per month under the new wage pay structure. the Salaries and Remuneration Commission Commission (SRC),the implementation of the Remuneration and Benefits for the Civil Service in the National Government for the Third Remuneration and Benefits for the Civil Service in the National Government for the Third Remuneration Review Cycle 2021/2022-2024/2025.
The above pay release has come a week after a strike notice that was released to the government.